Friday, November 13, 2009

In the end

Like an old clock
he has seen many times
His youth had enough
of those resonant chimes
Now he is a heavy book
on a wobbly lectern
Important but unread
he is a dusting classic
The end, he knows, is tragic.

(Title courtesy:Linkin Park)


BP said...

Thanks for reminding us of a good habit.

Trinath Gaduparthi said...

The only good habit I must have reminded is acknowledgment of lifting off titles. Is there anything else?

Raash said...
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Raash said...

As an Old friend,
I have seen many of his poems,
His peotry had enough
of those resonant rhymes,

Now he has a heavy look,
on his wobbled past
mysterious and unexplained,
riding away from his dusted logics,
The Start, he knows,
to be a perfect psychic.

Aditya said...

nice...why is the end tragic though? he should just chill

aria said...

Interesting, he must be.. (and my kind!)

BP said...

I thought your poem was about a personal diary. May be I didn't get your poem. Sorry.

Trinath Gaduparthi said...


Thanks for your poem.


The end is always tragic. Though looks why, when and for what from here. It is tragic.


Yes, he is interesting !


Praveen, that was a nice interpretation that you gave much better than the forgotten old man that I talked about in the piece. Thanks for that!