Saturday, December 30, 2017

The muse

The muse car-pools with me
and is silent for most part of the journey.
It adjusts its gaze occasionally to see
if I am noticing how things can be.
But I am just focused on my ends and
what it all means to me and the world.
It doesn’t disappear yet, it waits
for the moment when the windows darken,
the wipers flail and everything is washed
in the rain, and I observe something
that rings bells: bells of charm and not alarm.
And the inner leaves rustle in a metaphorical breeze.  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The expanding universe

The fact that universe is expanding
has trickled down to me.
It has had no effect on my goings-on
as a normal citizen.
The car works just fine,
the apples still fall to the ground
as they did before and elsewhere.
But now there is a certain unease
when I write that you are moon-faced or
compare you to some other heavenly body.
I would like to expand too and compare you
to the universe and all its complexities.