Friday, August 31, 2007

Blood on the hands

With blood on the hands
And piety untouched in the mind
We worship the things we created
In a spate of blood unabated

Blood bath and bloody trails
This is where humanity fails
We still worship in our hearts
With blood on the hands
The one we created
With the bleeding unabated.

Dying for a cause is what we look for
But judging the cause
We never for a moment pause
Humanity has lost its sheen.
And fraternity, where is it?
It is not seen.


darkshine said...

i got the gist but was not able to get the context right yaar.what did we create in the first place(probably everything )

Trinath Gaduparthi said...

The above poem shows how we as humans take each others lives on the issues like tradition,customs and religion which have been created by us. These lines are a take on fundamentalism of any kind related to any religion or cult. This is for the information of readers to understand the context of the poem.

Sri Vallabha said...

yet another studd poem. man u better settle down in India and respond to people's problems in the same poetic way. u will become srisri one day.