Monday, May 12, 2008


Images stay
But imagination does sway

I see you
But its not you
It is me in you

Done with you now
Where is my swing ?

Let me oscillate
Meet all my selves
Till there's a snap
And a feather-like fall.


Winnie the poohi said...

random and sweet :)

Sri Vallabha said...

sincerely speaking, your poems are become more profound of late. they seem to hide an inner meaning, which may not be very obvious to an outsider. and this romantic angle is making me wonder- had trinath gone through this ever or his is just writing out of intution.

sid said...

"Let me oscillate
Meet all my selves
Till there's a snap
And a feather-like fall."

loved the above lines for its
multiple meanings..
so true aren't we always trying to meet ourselves in others....